Duncan Taylor & Company has ownership of one of the largest privately-held collections of rare scotch whisky casks. The company has been "laying down" casks from premium Scottish distilleries for decades and has, in recent years, made its branded products available to whisky connoisseurs throughout the World.
Duncan Taylor has its origins in Glasgow where the company was initially a merchant and broker of Scotch Whisky casks within the Industry. Devotion to the principle of providing only the finest casks to be filled at Scotland's leading distilleries has been a key feature of the company's history and this tradition of building an outstanding portfolio of only the finest scotch whiskies is being maintained to this day by the current owners.
When the company moved its headquarters to the North East of Scotland, close to Speyside Scotland's largest whisky producing region it also took the decision to focus on the production and marketing of its own brands and to cease the "brokering" of whisky in cask form to Distillery companies and Independent bottlers.